Super Simple Songs : Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? DVD
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商品コード: 4573205122298
人気シリーズのNew Version が登場。人気の曲を再編集し新曲を追加した充実の20曲が収録されています。
1. Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
2. The Itsy Bitsy Spider (NEW)
3. Hello Hello!
4. Walking In The Jungle
5. Who Took The Cookie?
6. Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?
7. Rock Scissors Paper #1
8. The Shape Song #1
9. I Have A Pet
10. Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)
11. Let's Go To The Zoo
12. Hide & Seek
13. The Shape Song #2
14. Wag Your Tail
15. We All Fall Down
16. 10 Little Airplanes (NEW)
17. Rock Scissors Paper #2
18. How's The Weather?
19. Uh-huh!
20. Bye Bye Goodbye